Lesson 5: Turning code into reproducible documents with Rmarkdown


Functions for Lesson 5
here, summarise, set_here, dr_here

Packages for Lesson 5
here, dplyr, readr,rmarkdown


Create reproducible HTML, PDF, and Word documents from R using RMarkdown.
* Download the RMarkdown template (right click > Save As). Save this in the same folder as your coding club files. The file should have a .Rmd extension, e.g. Lesson5_rmd.Rmd.
* Open RStudio and run the following code to install the necessary packages:

packages <- c("pacman", "rmarkdown", "here")
install.packages(packages, dependencies = T)
lapply(packages, require, character.only = T)


Do First

Recreate the below plot using the larger NYC Airbnb dataset. Here's the code to add the title and labels.

url <- "http://data.insideairbnb.com/united-states/ny/new-york-city/2021-04-07/data/listings.csv.gz"
nyc_full <- readr::read_csv(url)  # reads in data

ttl <- "NYC Airbnb availability"
subttl <- "for room types across neighbourhoods"
xlab <- "Availability of property in next 30 days"
ylab <- "Count"

# append this to your ggplot function with a `+`
labs(title = ttl, subtitle = subttl, x = xlab, y = ylab)
 [1] "id"                                           "listing_url"                                 
 [3] "scrape_id"                                    "last_scraped"                                
 [5] "name"                                         "description"                                 
 [7] "neighborhood_overview"                        "picture_url"                                 
 [9] "host_id"                                      "host_url"                                    
[11] "host_name"                                    "host_since"                                  
[13] "host_location"                                "host_about"                                  
[15] "host_response_time"                           "host_response_rate"                          
[17] "host_acceptance_rate"                         "host_is_superhost"                           
[19] "host_thumbnail_url"                           "host_picture_url"                            
[21] "host_neighbourhood"                           "host_listings_count"                         
[23] "host_total_listings_count"                    "host_verifications"                          
[25] "host_has_profile_pic"                         "host_identity_verified"                      
[27] "neighbourhood"                                "neighbourhood_cleansed"                      
[29] "neighbourhood_group_cleansed"                 "latitude"                                    
[31] "longitude"                                    "property_type"                               
[33] "room_type"                                    "accommodates"                                
[35] "bathrooms"                                    "bathrooms_text"                              
[37] "bedrooms"                                     "beds"                                        
[39] "amenities"                                    "price"                                       
[41] "minimum_nights"                               "maximum_nights"                              
[43] "minimum_minimum_nights"                       "maximum_minimum_nights"                      
[45] "minimum_maximum_nights"                       "maximum_maximum_nights"                      
[47] "minimum_nights_avg_ntm"                       "maximum_nights_avg_ntm"                      
[49] "calendar_updated"                             "has_availability"                            
[51] "availability_30"                              "availability_60"                             
[53] "availability_90"                              "availability_365"                            
[55] "calendar_last_scraped"                        "number_of_reviews"                           
[57] "number_of_reviews_ltm"                        "number_of_reviews_l30d"                      
[59] "first_review"                                 "last_review"                                 
[61] "review_scores_rating"                         "review_scores_accuracy"                      
[63] "review_scores_cleanliness"                    "review_scores_checkin"                       
[65] "review_scores_communication"                  "review_scores_location"                      
[67] "review_scores_value"                          "license"                                     
[69] "instant_bookable"                             "calculated_host_listings_count"              
[71] "calculated_host_listings_count_entire_homes"  "calculated_host_listings_count_private_rooms"
[73] "calculated_host_listings_count_shared_rooms"  "reviews_per_month"                           

Setting your working directory

Using here to set your working directory

require(here)  # load the here package if not already
set_here()  # set current working directory 
dr_here()  # print current working directory where .here is located

Example 1
1. Create a folder in your local directory called 'lookhere'.
2. Open a new file in TextEdit (Mac) or Notepad (Windows), type in something like " We found the here file! ", then save the file as "heretest.txt".

# example 1
list.files()  # print files in your current working dir. the 'heretest.txt' file is not here, but one folder below in the new 'lookhere' folder
here("lookhere", "heretest.txt")  # using here to forage for the file
here("lookhere", "heretest.txt") %>% read_lines  # print the contents in R


Example 2
1. Create another folder within the lookhere folder called lookheretoo
2. Create another .txt file called heretesttoo.txt and save it.

# example 2 create two folders
folder1 <- "lookhere"
folder2 <- "lookheretoo"
file <- "heretesttoo.txt"
# navigate to the /lookheretoo folder and open the heretesttoo file using 'here'
here(folder1, folder2, file) %>% read_lines
read_lines(here(folder1, folder2, file))  # non-tidy version

Why is here useful?
* You can step through sub folders by defining them individually as function inputs
* You can user define these subfolders as variables at the beginning of your R script and refer to them throughout your script without pasting, e.g. paste(folder1,folder2,sep="/").

Creating an R project (Rproj) file

Option 1: Create an RProject new directory:
* File > New Project
* Create New Project
* Choose a name for your RProj folder. Fill out Directory name: (make it machine-friendly, i.e. no spaces)
* Choose a place for the RProj to live. Browse
* Select Open in new session


Option 2: If you already have a folder just for Emory Coding Club:
* File > New Project
* Existing directory > Browse
* Select Open in new session


  • Open the 'Lesson5_rmd.Rmd' file within this project and save it as 'Lesson5_rmd.Rmd'.
  • Open another .R file within this project and save it.
  • Now repeat the above steps with a second Rproj file. Save this in another directory somewhere on your computer.
  • Now check the working directory within both Rproj files using the here package. What do you see?


  • Knit an HTML document. Use the hotkey Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + K
  • Create a 'EmoRy Coding Club notes' document
  • Create your own parameter in the yaml
  • Create a code chunk that shows the code and output, but masks any warnings
  • Create a code chunk with a plot of your own data or from the Airbnb data. Here's the NYC Airbnb data:
# large Airbnb dataset (106 cols)
require(readr, dplyr)

url <- "http://data.insideairbnb.com/united-states/ny/new-york-city/2021-04-07/data/listings.csv.gz"

nyc_full <- read_csv(url)  # reads in data
nyc_full %>% glimpse
  • Change the above figure dimensions in the knitted document
  • Create a table with the title in bold, one of the columns set to right justified text, and one of the rows italicised
  • Write an inline equation and an indented equation