R code

Chord plots and {circlize} R package (repo)

Repository for my #30DayMapChallenge entries for 2020

plot_it() R code

‘Useful R’ documentation

Living Earth Collaborative working group scraper bots

Tic-Tac-Toe: Individual-based spatial consumer-resource disease transmission model code

RNetlogo R package diagnostics and troubleshooting

‘Schistocounter’ image pattern recognition R code.

Model code and appendices

Malishev M & Civitello DJ. When should we expect predator biocontrol of human schistosomes to backfire?
Model code and appendices

Malishev M and Civitello DJ (2020) Functional Ecology.
Model code and appendices

Malishev M & Civitello DJ (2019) Integrative and Comparative Biology, 59(5): 1243–1252
Model code and appendices

Malishev M, Bull, CM, and Kearney MR (2018) MEE, 9(3): 472–489
Model code and appendices

Fraser H, Soanes K, Jones C, Jones S & Malishev M (2017) Conservation Biology, 31(3): 540–546
R/python code and appendices

Matt Malishev PhD thesis Appendix.

Model code

Malishev M & Civitello DJ Schistosoma Individual-based Dynamic Energy Budget model (SIDEB)
SIDEB model code

Malishev M & Kearney MR Individual Dynamic Energy Budget Movement (IDEBM) model
IDEBM model code

Individual Dynamic Energy Budget Movement (IDEBM) model with body mass constraints
Model code


‘Using git for research and life’ workshop material

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