Date: 2024-06-19
R version: 3.5.0
*Corresponding author: matthew.malishev [at]
This document can be found at


Accessing sf, sp, geos,a nd geojson objects, such as attributes, accessing lower levels of their structure, latlon and MULTIPOLYGONS layers, etc.


Read and convert json to df

# opt 1
data <- fromJSON("data.json", simplifyDataFrame = T, flatten = T) %>%

# opt 2
file <- "my_geo_data.json" %>% readr::read_lines

# opt 3
file <- "my_geo_data.json" %>% read_sf

Convert sf to geojson

sf %>% geojsonio::geojson_list()

Save R obj as geojson

# save R obj as geojson
sfjson %>% geojson_write(file = here::here("data”,”new.json"))

# opt 2
sf %>% st_write("sf.geojson")

# opt 3 convert sf to json string and save to dir
sf %>% geojsonio::geojson_list() %>% rjson::toJSON(method = "C") %>% readr::write_lines("sf.json")

Loop through sf and convert and save as geojson


for (i in sf$name) {
    sf %>% filter(name %in% i) %>% geojson_list() %>% geojson_write(here::here("data", paste0("newfile", 
        i, ".json")))

Read in json and convert to df

read_json("test.json", simplifyVector = T)

Write json/geojson to dir

# write json methods working but only points
pacman::p_load(jsonlite, geojsonio)
sf %>% st_write("data.shp")  # write shp
sf %>% st_write("data.json")  # write json
sf %>% st_write("data.geojson", driver = "geojson")  # write geojson
sf %>% st_write("data.json", driver = "geojson", delete_dsn = T)  # overwrite file
sf %>% geojsonio::geojson_write(file = "data.json")
sf %>% rjson::toJSON(indent = "2")
sf %>% geojsonio::geojson_list() %>% rjson::toJSON(method = "C") %>% readr::write_lines("sf.json")
sf %>% geojsonio::file_to_geojson(output = "data.geojson")

# convert sf to json
sf %>% jsonlite::toJSON() %>% jsonlite::prettify()

# convert list to geojson
ls %>% rjson::toJSON()
ls %>% jsonify::to_json(unbox = T) %>% jsonify::pretty_json()

Check available drivers for writing shp, json, geojson, kml

ogrDrivers() %>% View

sf simple features

Get bbox coords

methods(class = "sf")
obj$geometry %>% attr(which = "bbox")

Get first element or range of sf

obj$geometry[1] %>% unlist %>% .[1]  # first element
obj %>% st_coordinates() %>% .[1:3]  # coord range    

Get polygons (and range) in geometry layer

obj %>% st_geometry() %>% .[1:10]  # polygon range  

Remove or keep/select specific sf types from sf obj

obj %>% st_collection_extract("POINT")  # get just points
obj %>% st_geometry %>% st_collection_extract("POINT")  # get geometry of just points

Get boundary/outlines

# good for plotting US state border lines over other sf files
obj %>% st_geometry() %>% st_boundary %>% ggplot() + geom_sf()

# boundary of bbox
mp %>% st_bbox() %>% st_as_sfc() %>% ggplot() + geom_sf()

Break up multipolygon into separate polygons/pull specific polygon e.g. main France polygon and rm islands

french_guiana <- ne_countries("large",type = "countries",returnclass = "sf") %>% 
  filter(name %in% c("France")) %>% # add french guiana 
  st_cast("POLYGON") %>% slice(1) # get just french guiana 

Get areas of individual polygons within multipolygon

dd %>% filter(name == "Netherlands") %>% st_cast("POLYGON") %>% st_geometry %>% st_area()

Filter sf geometry only

dat %>% filter(st_geometry_type(.) == "LINESTRING")

Convert matrix directly to sf

m %>% sf_point()
m %>% sf_multipolygon()
m %>% sf_multilinestring()
m %>% sf_linestring()

# convert list of matrices/arrays into sf

ls %>% 
  map(matrix, ncol = 2) %>% 
  map(magrittr::set_colnames, c("lon","lat")) %>% # rename cols
  compact() %>% # drop empty lists
  map(sfheaders::sf_multipolygon, multipolygon_id = NULL) %>%  # convert to sf
  rlist::list.rbind() # bind sfs 

ZM features

Return Z range for sf obj

sf %>% st_z_range()

Drop zm components

sf %>% st_zm()

.shp files

Read in .shp file

require(rgdal)  # \ rgdal 
shp <- readOGR(".shp", layer = "X")  # layer = name of geometry element

Get and transform projection

require(rgdal)  # \ rgdal   
proj4string(shp)  # get projection 
spTransform(shp, CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84"))  # transform projection 

Base maps

Base map from OSM

# osm
gg <- get_map(location, source = "osm", color = "bw")

ggmap(gg, extent = "device", darken = c(0.9, "white")) + geom_point(data = df, aes(x, y))


Crop out sf objects

sf %>% st_crop(dd %>% filter(name == "Victoria"))
sf %>% st_intersection(dd %>% filter(name == "Victoria"))

Crop plot region to country border

ggplot() + borders(regions = "Germany") + geom_tile()

Mask/crop raster data

Crop raster/tiff to bbox

obj <- pathm  # sf object
ras <- "raster.tiff" %>% raster  # load raster
e <- as(obj %>% extent(), "SpatialPolygons")  # get bbox/extent as Sp
crs(e) <- "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs"  # add prj
r <- crop(ras, e)  # crop raster to this bbox
r <- r %>% rasterToPoints() %>%  # convert to df for plotting 
colnames(r) <- c("x", "y", "z")

Get inverse mask (hole within sf obj)

mask(sf1, sf2, inverse = T)

Crop multipolyon boundary to surround sf obj boundary and combine into one polygon

dd %>% st_intersection(boundary_osm %>% st_boundary()) %>% st_cast("POLYGON")

# option 2
sf %>% st_union %>% st_cast("POLYGON") %>% st_boundary()

Shrink sf obj (reverse buffer)

# subtract centroid from geometry, then halve and reposition centroid
(sf$geometry - sf$geometry %>% st_centroid)/2 + sf$geometry %>% st_centroid()

Displace sf obj

# displace x by 0 and y by 500
sf_disp <- sf %>% st_geometry() + c(0, 500)

# plot using aes
ggplot() + geom_sf(aes(geometry = sf_disp))

Crop sf based on area

sf %>% filter(st_area %>% as.numeric %in% sf %>% st_area %>% as.numeric %>% max)

# filter out polygons based on area
quant <- 0.3
sf %>% filter(st_area(.) > st_area(.) %>% quantile(quant))  # get polygons > 30% of all polygon areas 

Make custom bbox

lon <- 144.93
lat <- -37.79
ggmap::make_bbox(lon, lat, f = 0.5)

Crop satellite map to bbox

# see blood gold for example  
cropx <- c(10.5,23.4)
cropy <- c(-1.5,44.0)
ggplot() +
  ggmap(basemap) + # sat map from google
  scale_x_continuous(limits = cropx, expand = c(0,0)) +
  scale_y_continuous(limits = cropy,expand = c(0,0)) 

Create concave polygon hull of multipoints

sf %>% summarise() %>% concaveman::concaveman(concavity = 1)

Crop raster

r = raster(vals = rnorm(400), nrows = 20, ncols = 20, ext = extent(c(0, 20, 0, 20)))

p = Polygon(matrix(5, 5, 15, 12, 7, 16, 3, 10), ncol = 2, byrow = T)

p = SpatialPolygons(list(Polygons(list(p), "p")))

r2 = mask(r, p)

Get any city centroid, add buffer, then crop


buff <- 2
country <- "Australia"
city <- "Melbourne"

# get centroid
bb <- world.cities %>% filter(country.etc == country & name == city) %>% select(long, lat) %>% unlist %>% 
    st_point() %>% st_buffer(buff)

# crop with polygon
sf %>% st_crop(bb)

# crop with bbox
sf %>% st_crop(bb %>% st_bbox() %>% st_as_sfc())

Crop one side of sf object

sf_use_s2(FALSE)  # set first to enable geos
sf %>% st_buffer(100, singleSide = T)


Databases - maps, world data, natural earth, raster, DEM

# country polygons and natural earth data - rivers/lakes, urban areas, etc

# hires country polygons


pts <- c(-140.5, 35.6)
pts_buff <- pts %>% st_buffer(1 * 10^4)  # create buffer around centroid  
get_elev_raster(pts_buff, z = 12)

Error fixing

Remove empty geometries

# rm empty geos for ''spsample': error in evaluating the argument 'x' in selecting a method for
# function 'addAttrToGeom': empty geometries are not supported by sp classes: conversion failed'
sf %>% filter(!st_is_empty(.), drop = F)
sf %>% filter( == F)  # opt 2 to rm empty geos 

Align sf objects with Google map satellite base map

addy <- "Alice Springs, Northern Territory"
extent <- geocode(addy, output = "more") %>% pull(address)
maptype <- "satellite"
zoom <- 4
color <- "bw"
darken <- 0.3

# get google map
prj <- 3857  # set proj to match google map prj
base_map <- get_map(extent, maptype = maptype, color = color, zoom = zoom)

# function to fix the bbox to be in EPSG:3857
ggmap_bbox <- function(map) {
    if (!inherits(map, "ggmap")) 
        stop("map must be a ggmap object")
    # Extract the bounding box (in lat/lon) from the ggmap to a numeric vector, and set the names to what
    # sf::st_bbox expects:
    map_bbox <- setNames(unlist(attr(map, "bb")), c("ymin", "xmin", "ymax", "xmax"))
    # Coonvert the bbox to an sf polygon, transform it to 3857, and convert back to a bbox (convoluted,
    # but it works)
    bbox_3857 <- st_bbox(st_transform(st_as_sfc(st_bbox(map_bbox, crs = 4326)), prj))
    # Overwrite the bbox of the ggmap object with the transformed coordinates
    attr(map, "bb")$ <- bbox_3857["ymin"]
    attr(map, "bb")$ll.lon <- bbox_3857["xmin"]
    attr(map, "bb")$ <- bbox_3857["ymax"]
    attr(map, "bb")$ur.lon <- bbox_3857["xmax"]
map <- ggmap_bbox(base_map)  # transform proj of sat map

# plot
map %>% ggmap(extent = "device", legend = "bottom", darken = c(0.5, "#FFFFFF"))

Plot sf data on Google maps basemap

prj <- 3857  # set proj to match google map prj

map %>% ggmap(extent = "device", legend = "bottom", darken = c(0.5, "#FFFFFF")) + geom_sf(data = sf %>% 
    st_transform(prj), size = 0.05, inherit.aes = F)  # include inherit.aes = F to show data 

GDB (.gdb/.gdbtable)

Read in gdb data

fh <- "polygons.gdbtable"  # 'polygons.gdb'  
fhl <- fh %>% st_layers() %>% .[[1]]  # get layer name
sf <- fh %>% st_read(layer = fhl)  # read in data using layer


Read .gpx files (GPS track software/apps)

# option 1
gpx <- st_read("user.gpx", "track_points")
pathm <- gpx %>% 
  group_by(user_ID) %>%  # get grouping variable
  dplyr::summarize(do_union = F) %>% 

# option 2
fd <- "/Volumes/Matt_timemachine/maptracks/2021/sep/sam/gpx/"
fh <- "day182.gpx"
gpx1 <- paste0(fd,fh) %>%  # parse gpx file
  htmlTreeParse(error = function(...) {}, useInternalNodes = T)
elev <- as.numeric(xpathSApply(gpx1, path = "//trkpt/ele", xmlValue))
times <- xpathSApply(gpx1, path = "//trkpt/time", xmlValue)
coord <- xpathSApply(gpx1, path = "//trkpt", xmlAttrs)

city_df <- tibble(lat = coord["lat",] %>% as.numeric(), 
                  lon = coord["lon",] %>% as.numeric(),
                  elev = elev, 
                  time = times %>% ymd_hms()  

# elev profile 
ggplot(data = city_df) +
  geom_line(aes(time,elev)) +
  scale_x_datetime(date_breaks = "6 hours"
                   # date_minor_breaks = "1 hour", # optional
                   # date_labels = "%M%D" # full month and year

# convert gpx coords to linestring
pathgpx <- city_df %>% 
  dplyr::select(lat,lon) %>% 
  as.matrix() %>% # convert points to linestring
  st_linestring(dim = "XY") %>% 
  st_sfc(crs = 4326) %>% # convert sfg object to geometry 
  st_transform(crs = 4326) # then convert projection

Parse gpx data within kml
First manually convert file from ‘.kml’ to ‘.gpx’

coord_id <- "//coord" # tag where lat/lon/elev data are located in file 
gpx2 <- "data/full.gpx" %>%  
  htmlTreeParse(error = function(...) {}, useInternalNodes = T)
pathgpx <- xpathSApply(gpx2, path = coord_id, xmlValue) %>% # read coords (lon,lat,elev) %>% 
  tidyr::separate(col = ".",into = c("lon", "lat", "elev"), sep = " ", remove = T) %>% # separate char into individual values

# timestamp  
time_id <- "//when" # may vary with data  
gpx2 <- "data/full.gpx" %>%
  xpathSApply(gpx2, path = time_id, xmlValue) # get timestamp  

North arrow and scale bars

ggplot(data = world) +
    geom_sf() +
    annotation_scale(location = "bl", width_hint = 0.5) +
    annotation_north_arrow(location = "bl", which_north = "true", 
        pad_x = unit(0.75, "in"), pad_y = unit(0.5, "in"),
        style = north_arrow_fancy_orienteering) +
    coord_sf(xlim = c(-102.15, -74.12), ylim = c(7.65, 33.97))

# scale bar
p + ggspatial::annotation_scale(
  location = "bl",
  bar_cols = c(bg,fg),
  line_width = 0.5,
  pad_x = unit(1.5,"cm"),
  pad_y = unit(1.5,"cm"),
  text_col = fg, line_col = fg,
  style = "ticks", # "bar"
  width_hint = 0.1 # set scale to 10% of map
## Scale on map varies by more than 10%, scale bar may be inaccurate

# accessing coords in sf (complex) shp <- here::here('worldmaps','data','day14.shp') %>% readOGR() d
# <- shp@data # df vars bb <- shp@bbox #bbox ply <- shp@polygons # polygons plyl <- ply %>%
# purrr::map(ggplot2::fortify) # melt polygon class names(plyl) <- d$VARNAME_3 # get district name
# ggplot() + geom_polygon(data = ply_df[[600]], aes(long, lat))

# ply[[1]]@Polygons[[1]]@coords # works ply[[1]] %>% attr(which='Polygons') %>% purrr::map('coords')
# # works


#list of proj 

d <- ne_countries(scale = "large",
             type = "countries",
             country = "Japan",
             returnclass = "sf")
bb <- d$geometry %>% st_bbox()

# get current proj 
d %>% st_crs() # /sf
d %>% crs() # /raster

# transform proj options 
crsn <- 3995 # 3995 3033
plat <- 50
plon <- 0
prj <- paste0("+lat_0=",plat," +lon_0=",plon," +init=epsg:",crsn) # opt1
prj <- "+init=epsg:4326" # opt2

# transforming for diff data types
# da
ras@crs@projargs <- prj 
ras %>% st_as_sf(coords = c("lon","lat"), crs = 4326) %>% # convert city_df to sp. NB need to set initial crs to one compatible with latlon coords, e.g. 4326  
    sf::st_transform(crs = prj) # now transform proj

dl %>% st_transform(prj) # shp

dt <- d %>% st_transform("+proj=utm +zone=19 +ellps=GRS80 +datum=NAD83")
dt <- d %>% st_transform(crsn)

# quartz()
p <- ggplot(data = d) +
  geom_sf() +
  coord_sf(crs = prj) # option 1 
  coord_sf(crs = st_crs(crsn)) # option 2

# proj in string format
prj <- projection(pathm) # get proj in string format
# site2 <- elevatr::get_elev_raster(city_df,
#                                   z = zoom,
#                                   prj = prj,
#                                   expand = 3) %>%  # get elev raster
#   rasterToPoints() %>% # convert to df

# coerce projection 
sf %>% st_set_crs(prj) %>% st_transform(prj2) # or use prj again to coerce uncooperative projections 

Get projection info

# find proj
crs_codes = rgdal::make_EPSG()  # get all espg code and info
crs_codes %>% filter(code == 27700) %>% pull  # pull espg name and code 
crs_codes[crs_codes$note %>% str_which("Austra"), "code"]

KML/KMZ data

path <- "/data.kml" %>% sf::st_read()  # single layer kml
path <- "/data.kml" %>% sf::st_layers()  # multi layer kml
# for kmz, change .kmz to .zip, then unzip and read as kml

Save sf as kml/kmz

# opt 1
st_write(sf, "test.kml", driver = "kml", delete_dsn = T)

# opt 2
writeOGR(sf, dsn = "sf.kml", layer = "polygonWGS", driver = KML)



# 3d plotting of lidar data

Convert raster to sf


tifpath <- system.file("tif/L7_ETMs.tif", package = "stars")
tif <- read_stars(tifpath)
sf <- st_as_sf(tif)


Convert sp/sf/spdf data to data frame (fortify)

d <- getMap(resolution = "high")  # get world data
d_fort <- tidy(d, region = "NAME")  # fortify 

Convert sf geometry to df

sf %>% sf_to_df

Convert points to linestring

inter_df <- rbind(df1,df2,df3) %>%   
    as.matrix() %>%
    st_linestring(dim = "XY") %>% # convert points to single linestring
    st_sfc(crs = 4326) # convert sfg object to geometry 

# option 2
pathm <- city_df %>% 
  dplyr::select(lat,lon) %>% 
  as.matrix() %>% # convert points to linestring
  st_linestring(dim = "XY") %>% 
  st_sfc(crs = 4326) %>% # convert sfg object to geometry 

Convert each row in df to linestring

inter_df <- rbind(df1, df2, df3) %>% st_as_sf(coords = c("lon", "lat"), crs = 4326) %>% st_geometry() %>% 

Replace coordinates in sf obj

sf_df <- sf %>% st_coordinates %>% data_frame  # convert to df
sf_df[1:3, "Y"] <- c(10.1, 10.2, 10.3)  # replace with new coords
sf <- sf_df[, c("X", "Y")] %>% as.matrix() %>% st_linestring(dim = c("X", "Y"))  # convert back to sf

Flip XY coordinates

sf %>% st_coordinates() %>% .[, c(2, 1)]

Convert list of sf obj to sfc, my_list)

Convert coordinates to text (for simple copy paste)

bbc <- dd %>% filter(name %in% "Netherlands")
bbc %>% st_centroid() %>% st_geometry() %>% st_as_text()


Read in raster, change projection, and convert to matrix/df

ras <- "ras.tif" %>% raster()
prj <- ras %>% projection()  # get proj
bb <- ras %>% extent()  # get bbox

ras %>% raster() %>% crop(bb) %>% rasterToPoints() %>%

ras %>% raster %>% crop(bb) %>% raster_to_matrix()

ras %>% rast() %>% crop(bb)

# read in .adf files
"data.adf" %>% raster %>% raster_to_matrix %>% data.frame

Convert raster to various data stuctures

alt = getData("alt", country = "CHE")
slope = terrain(alt, opt = "slope")
aspect = terrain(alt, opt = "aspect")
hill = hillShade(slope, aspect, 40, 270)

# raster to df
df <- alt %>% rasterToPoints() %>%  # terrain
df <- aspect %>% rasterToPoints() %>%  # aspect
df <- hill %>% rasterToPoints() %>%  # hillshade

# raster to sf
sf <- hill %>% rasterToPoints() %>% %>% st_as_sf(coords = c("x", "y"), crs = 4326)
bb <- sf %>% .[sf %>% nrow/2, ] %>% st_buffer(5 * 10^4)  # circle crop based on middle centroid
bb <- sf %>% .[sf %>% nrow/2, ] %>% st_buffer(5 * 10^4) %>% st_bbox()  # bbox crop
sf <- sf %>% st_crop(bb)

# raster to spdf
spp <- hill %>% as("SpatialPixelsDataFrame") %>% data.frame  # ras to spdf to df 

# plot
ggplot() + geom_raster(data = df, aes(x, y, fill = layer))  # plot df
geom_sf(data = sf, aes(fill = layer, col = layer))  # plot sf
geom_sf(data = spp, aes(fill = layer, col = layer))  # plot spdf

Elevation profiles


# elevation raster (country tiles) 
elevp <- getData('alt', country='FRA', mask = T)
elevp$FRA_msk_alt@crs # crs
elevp$FRA_msk_alt@extent # bbox

# elevation raster
elevp2 <- elevatr::get_elev_raster(city_df[,c("lon","lat")], # get elev raster
                                   z = 3,
                                   prj <- "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs"
                                   # expand = 3
                                   ) %>%  
  rasterToPoints() %>% 
elevp2sf <- elevp2 %>% st_as_sf(coords = c("x","y"), crs = 4326) # df to sf

# elevation points (usa only)
elevp3 <- elevatr::get_elev_point(df,
                        prj <- "+init=epsg:4326")
elevp3_fort <- tidy(elevp3$elevation, region = "elevation") # fortify 
# convert raster to diff classes
elevdf <- elevp %>% rasterToPoints() %>% # raster to df 
elevdf <- elevp %>% rasterToPoints() %>% %>% 
  st_as_sf(coords = c("x","y"), crs = 4326) # raster to sp

# convert lines to elev profile
pts <- df[,c("lon","lat")] %>% as.matrix() %>% SpatialPoints() # df to points
elevpath <- topoDist(elevp,pts)
topoProfile(elevp,sl,pts = 100, type = "base") # generic elev profile plot
# plot
qplot(data = elevp2[1:10000,],x,layer,geom = "line")

Summarise raster layers

cellStats(raster, stat = "min", na.rm = T)  # summarise raster layers

Read .tiff

dem1 <- "srtm_20_05.tif" %>% raster()

Decrease/increase raster resolution

ras %>% aggregate(fact = 3)  # lower res by factor of 3
ras %>% disaggregate(fact = 3, method = "bilinear")  # increase res by factor of 3

ras %>% disagg(3)
ras %>% aggregate(3)
ras %>% aggregate(c(2, 3), fun = sum)  # aggregate by diff factor for rows and cols plus change method  

Match geometry/proj of raster from different sources

ras %>% res()  # get resolution of raster
ras %>% resample(ras2)  # resample ras2 to ras1 resolution 

# change projection
ras %>% project("+proj=utm +zone=32")

Change resolution of raster

res(ras) <- 1/120
res(ras) <- c(1/120, 1/60)  # change res of x and y

Get zscale/elevation of raster

ras %>% raster_zscale()

Shaded contour maps (Tanaka maps)

ras <- rast(system.file("tif/elev.tif", package = "tanaka"))
tanaka(ras, breaks = seq(80, 400, 20), legend.pos = "topright", legend.title = "Elevation\n(meters)")

Spatial class

Convert sf to spatiallines obj

lns <- df[, c("lon", "lat")] %>% as.matrix() %>% Line()  # df to lines
pts <- df[, c("lon", "lat")] %>% as.matrix() %>% SpatialPoints()  # df to points

# sf to spatiallines
sl <- sf$geometry %>% .[1] %>% st_zm() %>% as_Spatial()  # opt 1
sl <- sf$geometry %>% .[1] %>% st_zm() %>% as("Spatial")  # opt 2

Convert spatial class to sf

sp %>% st_as_sf()

Globe maps

Hi-res globe map


inset_globe <- ne_countries("medium", type = "sovereignty", returnclass = "sf") # %>% 
  # filter(!continent %in% c("Africa","Europe"))
inset_countries <- ne_countries("medium", country = c("United States of America","Australia"), type = "sovereignty", returnclass = "sf") 
crsn <- 2163  
plat <- 5   
plon <- 180
inset_prj <- paste0("+lat_0=",plat," +lon_0=",plon," +init=epsg:",crsn) # set centered projection

inset_globe <- inset_globe %>% st_transform(inset_prj)
inset_countries <- inset_countries %>% st_transform(inset_prj)
inset_flight <- inter_df1 %>% st_transform(inset_prj) %>% st_as_sf() # convert into sf  

gp <- ggplot() +
  geom_sf(data = inset_globe, fill = adjustcolor(fg,0.7), col = NA, size = 0.1) + 
  geom_sf(data = inset_countries, fill = adjustcolor(flight_col,0.7), col = NA, size = 0.1) +
  geom_my_sf(inset_flight,flight_col,0.5,3) + # melb to la flight
  coord_sf(crs = inset_prj) +
  # theme(plot.background = element_rect(fill = "transparent")) +

Getting gc flight path from sf obj

get_inter_func <- function(sc1,sc2){
      sites_flight[sites_flight$city %in% sc1,] %>% st_geometry() %>% unlist,
      sites_flight[sites_flight$city %in% sc2,] %>% st_geometry() %>% unlist,
      n=100, addStartEnd=T, breakAtDateLine=F) %>%
  } %>% 
    as.matrix() %>% # convert points to linestring
    st_linestring(dim = "XY") %>% 
    st_sfc(crs = 4326) # convert sfg object to geometry 

Combine, join, union sf objects

Combine multiple sf/sfc geometries into one

multipath <- "kml" %>% st_layers %>% .[[1]]  # get layer ids
pathm <- c()
for (pid in multipath) {
    path <- kmldata %>% st_read(layer = multipath[pid], fid_column_name = "IDS")
    pathm <- rbind(pathm, path)
# combine separated geometries into one geometry
patht <- st_combine(pathm)

# dissolve seperate geometries into one
sf %>% st_union()

# join two different sf objs and combine into one geometry

# opt 1
dplyr::bind_rows(list(sf1, sf2)) %>% st_union()

# opt 2
st_sfc(sf1, sf2) %>% st_combine()

Join/merge df vars with sf obj (ideal for heatmap/chloropleth)

countries1 <- df$country_name %>% unique # identify country names
mp <- ne_countries(scale = "medium", returnclass = "sf") %>% 
  filter(name %in% countries1) %>% 
  rename("country_name" = name) %>% # match var names between df and sp obj
  left_join(df,by = "country_name") # join by matched var name

Merge/dissolve overlapping polygon/sf boundaries into one

dd <- rnaturalearth::ne_states(countries, returnclass = "sf")
dd2 <- ne_countries("large", "sovereignty", returnclass = "sf")
plot(gUnion(dd, dd2[dd, ]))

Snap sf objects based on proximity

sf <- sf %>% 
  st_snap(.,., tolerance = 10000) %>%  # coerces the snapping using a big tolerance value
  as_sfnetwork() # convert to network obj  

Validate sfs (useful when trying combining sfs and connecting lines make weird shapes)

sf %>% st_is_valid()
sf[!st_is_valid(sf), ] %>% st_make_valid()

Find intersecting geo points within sf objects

get_osm_feature <- function(loc,key,value,geo){
  oo <- opq(loc) %>% # find location
    add_osm_feature(key = key, value = value) %>% # source key-value pair
    osmdata_sf() %>% # get sf obj
    unname_osmdata_sf() # combat sf error
  oo[[geo]] # %>% # pull geometry

# location, key, value 
location1 <- "melbourne australia" 
polyg <- get_osm_feature(location1, "leisure","park|natu","osm_polygons") # get osm features

# check if point intersects with polygon 
pts_inter = c(144.7695,-38.2724) %>% 
  st_point() %>% # convert into sf point
  st_sfc(crs = 4326) %>% # set prj
  st_as_sf() # convert into sf  
polyg  <- polyg %>% st_transform(4326) # match proj to above sf coords
polyg_inter <- st_intersection(polyg,pts_inter) # find intersecting point within polygon 

# plot intersecting polygon and point
st_intersection(pts_inter,polyg) %>% st_geometry()
polyg %>% filter(osm_id == "234385754") 
ggplot() +
  geom_sf(data = polyg %>% filter(osm_id == polyg_inter$osm_id)) + # plot polygon w intersecting point
  geom_sf(data = pts_inter, col = "red") + # add intersecting point
  geom_sf_text(data = pts_inter, label = "Intersecting\npoint") +

Fixing intersecting sf objs (self/non-coding intersection error)

# 2023
sf_use_s2(FALSE)  # run at start of session to avoid 'Error in overlapping polygons' error   


# various options
sf %>% st_make_valid  # validate obj
sf %>% st_buffer(0) %>% st_intersection(polys)  # add 0 buffer
sf %>% st_snap(polys, tolerance = 0.09)  # snap to polygon edge 
sf %>% lwgeom::st_snap_to_grid(10)  # snap to grid 
sf[5:1] %>% st_intersection()  # try reversing order of obj 
sf[sf %>% st_is_valid, ]  # index only valid objs 

Get intersecting underlying polygons using point data

# pull underlying polygon data where point data intersects/overlays 
sf_polygon %>% st_join(sf_point, join = st_intersects)

# option 2 
sf_polygon %>%
            .predicate = st_intersects
            # join = st_overlaps

# option 3 - check other predicate options and switch point/poly order
sf_polygon[st_intersects(sf_point,sf_polygon,sparse = T, prepared = T) %>% unlist,] %>% 
  st_join(sf_point, join = st_intersects, largest = T)

Merge sequential/overlapping sf polygons

# merge first 20 polygons into one polygon
sf[1:20, ] %>% st_union
# merge first 20 polygons into one multilinestring
sf[1:20, ] %>% st_boundary %>% st_line_merge

Read in multiple files and combine into one sfc

fhs <- dir %>% list.files(full.names = T)
prj <- 4326
slist <- st_sfc(crs = prj)  # create empty sfc
for (f in fhs) {
    s <- f %>% read_sf()
    slist <- rbind(s, slist)
slist <- slist %>% mutate(id = LETTERS[1:length(fhs)])

Other predicate funcs for sf pairs

st_is_within_distance() widget for map

Create interactive HTML knitted from Rmd

Plotting aesthetics for geom_sf()

Change spatial polygons into hexagon tiles

dd <- rnaturalearth::ne_states(c("New Zealand"), returnclass = "sf") 

# opt 1
# convert sf files using st_make_grid (with x = st_as_sf(sf_obj))
                      cellsize = 1,
                      n = 200,
                      # crs = prj,
                      flat_topped = T)[st_as_sf(dd)]

# opt 2
# change sf to sp 
df_hex <- df %>% st_as_sf(coords = c("lon","lat"), crs = 4163) # need to keep regular prj
hex_points <- df_hex %>% as_Spatial() %>% spsample(type = "hexagonal", cellsize = 0.3) # set cell size according to data density
hex_polygons <- HexPoints2SpatialPolygons(hex_points) %>%
  st_as_sf(crs = st_crs(df_hex)) # %>% st_intersection(., df_hex)
hex_polygons$fill <- lengths(st_intersects(hex_polygons, df_hex)) # create fill col based on data length

# now project data
bb <- maps::world.cities %>% filter(country.etc == "Australia", name == "Brisbane") # %>% st_as_sf(coords = c("long","lat"), crs = prj) %>% st_buffer(1.2*10^6) %>% st_bbox
crsn <- 2163
plat <- bb[,"lat"]
plon <- bb[,"long"]
prj <- paste0("+lat_0=",plat," +lon_0=",plon," +init=epsg:",crsn) # opt1
dd <- ne_countries("large",returnclass = "sf") %>% st_transform(prj)
hex_polygons <- hex_polygons %>% st_transform(prj) 
bbox <- bb %>%  st_as_sf(coords = c("long","lat")) %>% st_buffer(5*10^6) %>%  st_bbox

# plot
hex_polygons <- hex_polygons %>%  filter(fill != 0) # rm all 0's (optional)
colpal <- sequential_hcl(hex_polygons$fill %>% n_distinct()  %>% log + 1, "Purples") %>% rev # use log + 1 scale to improve col depth
ggplot() +
  geom_sf(data = hex_polygons, aes(fill = fill %>% log + 1, col = fill %>% log + 1),size = 0.05) +
  scale_fill_gradientn(name = "Activity", colours = colpal, aesthetics = c("col"), na.value = "transparent"
                       # , guide = "none"

Add buffer decay border around hexes

# using above hex_polygons sf data   
ddd <- hex_polygons  %>%  filter(fill != 0)
hex_buff <- 5*10^4 # create buffer decay
hexbuff_outer <- ddd  %>% st_combine %>% st_boundary() %>% st_buffer(hex_buff,endCapStyle = "SQUARE",joinStyle = "MITRE")
hexbuff_inner <- ddd  %>% st_combine %>% st_boundary() %>% st_buffer(hex_buff/2,endCapStyle = "SQUARE",joinStyle = "MITRE")
colpal <- sequential_hcl(ddd$fill %>% n_distinct() %>% log + 1, "Purples")  %>% rev # colpal for hex with fill = 0

ggplot() +
  # hex with buffer decay
  geom_sf(data =  hexbuff_outer, col = NA, fill = adjustcolor(colpal[1] %>% darken(0.1),opac/2), size = 0.2) +
  geom_sf(data = hexbuff_inner, col = NA, fill = adjustcolor(colpal[1] %>% darken(0.2),opac/2), size = 0.2) +
  geom_sf(data = ddd , aes(fill = fill %>% log + 1, col = fill %>% log + 1),size = 0.1) +
  scale_fill_gradientn(name = "Activity", colours = colpal, aesthetics = c("col"), na.value = "transparent"
                       # , guide = "none"

Turn sf into hex for mapping

df_hex <- sf %>% 
    select(var1) %>% 
    mutate(hex=point_to_h3(geometry, res=8)) %>%  
    st_drop_geometry() %>% 
    count(hex) %>%  # get count for var1 hex
    h3_to_polygon(simple=FALSE) # turn into geometry 

# add hex to leaflet  
leaflet(elementId='HexCounts') %>%  
    addProviderTiles(dependencyLocation=here::here()) %>%  
    addGlPolygons(data=df_hex, opacity=1, fillColor='n')

Add sequential colpal to flight paths/geometry/sf

inter_df %>% mutate(colpal = path_col %>% rep(7) %>% lighten(seq(0.1, 0.5, 0.1)))

Add labels to sf obj

ggplot() +
  geom_sf_label(data=state_names, aes(label=state),family=city_label_font,fill = NA, color="red", size = 5, label.size = 0, nudge_x = 0.5, nudge_y = 0.5) +


dem1 <- getData(country = c("USA"), level = 1)  # download data
dem1 <- getData("SRTM", lat = 37.83, lon = -83.68) %>% aggregate(fact = 3)  # get srtm and reduce res 
dem1 <- "srtm_20_05.tif" %>% raster()  # or read from file  
angle_zen <- 40
angle_dir <- 270
quant <- 0.3  # quantile to filter elev data 

dems <- dem1 %>% terrain(opt = "slope")
demr <- dem1 %>% terrain(opt = "aspect")
demh <- hillShade(dems, demr, angle_zen, angle_dir)

# conver to df
dem_df <- rasterToPoints(demh) %>%
colnames(dem_df) <- c("lon", "lat", "hill")
# take only upper quantile
dem_df <- dem_df %>% filter(hill > hill %>% quantile(quant), hill < hill %>% quantile(quant + 0.1))  # get elev > given quantile

# colpal
colpal <- c(border_col, fg, "#FFFFFF")
cc <- colpal %>% length  # number of colour hues 

ggplot() + geom_raster(data = dem_df, aes(lon, lat, fill = hill), show.legend = F)


New osm data method

osmextract::oe_download(provider = "openstreetmap_fr", file_url = osmextract::oe_match("Rio De Janeiro")[[1]], 
    download_directory = here::here("data"), force_download = T)

sf structure

Access levels within sf variable (e.g. Name) using attributes

sf$Name %>% attr(which = "levels")

Fix intersecting layers and wrapping error (spherical geometry error)


Simplify objs


  "a" = sf1,
  "b" = sf2
)) %>% st_as_sf  %>% st_combine()

# filter out dust
quant <- 0.1
)) %>%
  filter(st_area(.) > st_area(.) %>% quantile(quant))
osm_list_quant %>% nrow

)) %>% st_simplify()

# set smoothness of polygons [0,1] (lower = less smooth)
keep <- 0.2
)) %>%
  ms_simplify(keep = keep)

# set smoothness of polygons [0,1] (lower = less smooth)
keep <- 0.2
)) %>%
  as('Spatial') %>% # convert to spoly then reconvert to sp
  rmapshaper::ms_simplify(keep = keep) %>%

# combine tolerance and area quantile
keep <- 0.2
quant <- 0.1
osm_list_ms_simp3 <- bind_rows(list(
)) %>%
  as('Spatial') %>%
  rmapshaper::ms_simplify(keep = keep) %>%
  st_as_sf() %>% filter(st_area(.) > st_area(.) %>% quantile(quant))

Nearest neighbour


airports <- read_csv("") %>% 
    mutate(row_num = row_number()) %>% st_as_sf(coords = c("Longitude", "Latitude"))

# African airports
airports_africa <- airports %>% filter(str_detect(`Tz database time zone`, "Africa|Indian/Antananarivo"))

# Nearest neighbours
nn <- st_nn(airports_africa, airports_africa, k = 10, progress = F)
airports_connexions <- st_connect(airports_africa, airports_africa, ids = nn, progress = F)

# plot
airports_connexions %>% ggplot() + geom_sf(size = 0.75) + theme_minimal() + theme(plot.title = element_text(family = "Gotham Black", 
    size = rel(4)))